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Frequently asked questions

1. How often are tenders updated?

All tenders are appended and updated daily.

2. Can I bookmark tenders that is in my interest ?

Yes, you can bookmark interested Tender to participate. When you bookmark any such tenders, you will get alert as the submission date approaches.

3. What is tender notice tagging ?

Many similar notices can be tagged by any name and they are listed under the tagged name. This helps users to categorize similar type of notices in one place for easy viewing. For e.g. if you want to categorize all tenders related to Hospital, Schools, Colleges etc, you can tag it with that name. This will help you to list tender and notices according to tagged name. For e.g you can retrieve all with tag name “Hospital” or “School” or “Colleges” etc.

4. Can I filter notices according to categories etc ?

You can view notices filtering Notice Category, Newspaper Name, Notice Issuing Company, Type of Notice and retrieve records in a range of date.

5. Do I need to regularly visit the website to find new notices daily ?

Not necessarily. You can click on Subscribe to Daily Mail in Profile Menu and you will receive email notification right in your inbox on daily basis without even going to the website.

6. How long can I use the trial version?

As a registered member, you are allowed to use full trial version for 15 days from today as a trial basis.

7. Can I share tender notices on social sites ?

Of course. You can share notice in any social sites.

8. Can I download notices ?

Yes. You can download tender notices.

9. I'd like to sign up but none of the plans suits my needs.

We are offering Custom Plans to long-term subscribers; just contact us directly at sales@harati.com.np.

10. Which newspapers are included in the website ?

Newspapers includes all daily Nepali and English newspapers. Please check Setting menu and see all included newspaper.

11. Do I have to register to use this service ?

Yes. You need to be a registered member to use this app and it is very simple. Simply click New User button in the website and enter your Email Address and Password. That’s it.. !

12. Can I pay online ?

Yes. If you have e-banking facility with your bank, you can simply pay online. Also there are many other payment methods. E.g. Cash Payment, Bank Deposit, Cheque Deposit etc.

13. Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes,you can cancel your subscription at any time.

14. Can I get a discount?

Yes, there are many discount and gift offer. Please check Pricing Page and you will see discount and gift offer provided.