TenderNotice.com.np replaces your need to buy newspapers everyday. Get all tenders or notices in just a click.
With tendernotice.com.np, now you can view all tender notices published in various newspapers in one place which helps to save your time and money.
Users can choose to participate in any tender to get email alert or tag various notices for easy viewing.
All subscribed users get daily email alert after the tender has been uploaded which helps you to get informed without logging in.
When submission date for any participated tender approaches, you will get notified through an email.
You can download any tender you like and save it which helps in swift viewing of multiple tender notices.
You do not have to worry about making payment on cash. You can easily make online payment through our site.
Users can choose to view tender published and submission date either in Nepali or English date system.
You can track record of all Participated, Awarded and Rejected bids and Tenders. You can upload any number of documents related to particular bid or tender. You can add information of competitors including their quoted price and also can store your quoted price. Those information while you store could be very informative for your future reference.
TenderNotice.com.np published tenders and notices of all daily newspaper published in Nepal. This includes more than 20 numbers of daily newspaper. This simply reduces your time to go through all those huge number of newspaper in a single day.
TenderNotice.com.np categorizes notices as Quotation, Expression of interest, Tender, Enlistment, Amendment Notices etc. Any government or private companies when issued any of such notices published in any newspapers are uploaded in the website providing each details information with scanned copy of notice. It helps the interested bidders to view all the notices and can bookmark for participation.